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Let’s talk


Who we Are

We are a limited company registered in Kenya being a one-stop health care provider company focusing in providing state of the art holistic:
1.  Clinic/Facility Physiotherapy Services,
2. Home-based services
3. Virtual or Tele-physiotherapy – in comfort of your Phone.
4. Wellness Services –  Promotion of Physical Health.
5. Sale of Orthopedic/Rehabilitation appliances or devices.

For every person dying as a result of injury, there are hundreds more that sustain non-fatal injuries and other health consequences“. Although the ultimate goal must be to prevent injuries from happening in the first place, much can be done to minimize the disability and ill-health arising from the injuries that do occur despite the best prevention efforts.

Providing quality support and care services to victims is therefore an essential component of any response to intentional and unintentional injuries. At the same time, appropriate services for victims of non-fatal injuries can prevent future fatalities, reduce the amount of short-term and long-term disability, and help those affected to cope with the impact of the injury event on their lives.


To provide quality services to attain patient satisfaction that results in repeated return of patients and generates recommendations for new referrals.


To steer a healthy, successful company that is top in quality patient care and a one spot in rehabilitation services.


To provide quality Rehabilitation care services to the general public members of the community for the enhancement of physical health and functional abilities.

Our Operations

Tender Touch Rehabilitation Services is managed by a Board of Directors and Client managers who have a right of assigning clients to respective clinicians. Clients have options either to walk in, call us, book our services in our client system using our android App ttrehab or

Data Management

Tender Touch Rehabilitation Services has a centralized management system for admission, appointment for consultation/treatment/reschedules bookings, billing and patient documentation across all company facilities. This ensures equity and efficient delivery of our services to our clients.

Our Core Values

Our aim is to help people achieve optimal performance and function. In doing so, we abide by the following set of values.

Excellence & Innovation

We create an environment where learning, initiative, and creativity flourish. We encourage innovation in our pursuit of excellence.

Honesty & Integrity

We commit to the highest standards of conduct and ethical practice in all of our endeavours and confront all issues with genuine care.

Accountability & Responsibility

We demonstrate personal and collective accountability and responsibility in all of our programs and fulfill our promises to our clients and associates.

Meet Our Team

Tender Touch Rehabilitation Services (TTRS) staff is a team of licensed Rehabilitation professionals in various disciplines with exceptional experience in Client Care, Research and Consultancy. They are all registered into Tender Touch Management system in various respective services bound to the company policies.

Dr. Daniel Nyamongo, PT, PhD

Physiotherapist Clinician

Dr Nyamongo is a Senior Tender Touch Physiotherapist Clinician (Orthopedics, Neuro Rehab and Women Health) with over 30 years experience in Physiotherapy in Kenya and USA. He is  a Researcher and Senior Lecturer at JKUAT, Dept of Rehabilitation.

Mr. Samwel kerecha Manuguti

Orthopedic Clinician

Mr Samwel is Tender Touch Clinician and Head of Orthopedic and Trauma Medicine with over two year experience in Orthopaedic and Trauma Medicine including Thika Level 5 Hospital. He is a Lecturer with Thika KMTC.

Eric Otieno Okoth, BSc PT

Physiotherapist Clinician

Mr Otieno is licensed Physiotherapist operations manager of our services. He has over 4 year experience in facility and  Home Based Care in Neuro Rehabilitation, Pediatrics, Orthopedic PT and Telephysiotherapy. 

Achieve your optimal state of health with our physiotherapy services